Labels:book | daily | reckoner | sky | tree OCR: 1 this edy issue cuse, under The have Section all numerous reached 2679(a), courts the that the same have provision conelusion. at considered issue the The logic Of Smith applies regardless of whether tort claim exclusions of made Section noncompensable 1346(b) or through through the "implicit" 'explicit" It forth U.S.C waiver exclusions of incorporates 2680(a) of the variety Section federal numerous (discretionary 2680 different government's The Iimitations function sections FTCA or sovereign that Sec exception) waiver conditional immunity set 8 U.S claim 28 2675(a) U.S. (timely 1346(b) fling (claim must 41 be based administrative on the liability evidence that private Congress person under attributed local anv law) significance There "exclusive suit for prec sion 2679 claim FTCA K arose ...